"Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives" is a collective exhibition and final presentation of this international project.
During 2023, this project has taken place through a number of collaborative art residencies, exhibitions and workshops in Ukraine, Poland, Germany and France. Artists together with researchers from other disciplines and further audience engaged with challenges of the post-truth era focusing on the growing problem of disinformation and fake news and how it could be countered through critical thinking, media literacy and artistic strategies.
This collective exhibition contains some of the created artistic expressions but also documentation about each residency, information about the artworks created and biographies of the artists involved.
Here you can experience some of the artworks done by the remarkable talented artists who took part. The aim of this space is to keep the discussion going, please feel free to experience the artworks, dig into their context and intentions as well as feel free to discuss it with whoever is around.
Vartan Markarian
Roksolana Dudka
Mikhail Ray
Gennadiy Che
Karina Synytsia
Fedir Khorkov
Bohdana Zaiats
Anna Kravchenko
Ilya Dudarau
Adrianna Gajdziszewska
Ewa Greszta
Volha Piatrushka
Zuzanna Śmigielska
Karolina Szwed
Diana Todorovska
Anna-Luise Oppelt
Maria Pä
Bubble Collective
The process has been guided and curated by Seila Fernández Arconada.
This project has been initiated by Lernlabor and its civil society partners in Ukraine, Poland and France. This project is financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany in the framework of its Civil Society Cooperation programme.
Thanks to all who made it happen.
Further information about the project: www.posttruthproject.net
This project has been initiated by Lernlabor and its civil society partners in Ukraine, Poland and France. This project is financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany in the framework of its Civil Society Cooperation programme.
Thanks to all who made it happen.
Further information about the project: www.posttruthproject.net
"Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives" in Berlin took place on the 12, 13th and 14th of December 2023. In the 3 days public program the following events were included:
12th from 19.00 Vernissage
13th, 14th from 16.00 to 21.00 Opening hours
14th at 19.00 Closing event & performance "Post Voice" performance by Maria Pä and Anna-Luise Oppelt.
Tour guide activities of the exhibition by the curator Seila Fernández Arconada, time options: 13th Wednesday at 18:00 and 14th Thursday two options: 11:00 and 18:00.
Location of the event: Kunstleben Kreuzberg
Gneisenaustraße 19, 10961 Berlin
Here you can see a visual glimpse of the exhibition:
In this slideshow you can visit more in depth the exhibition with more photographs and in depth look to the each of the artworks exhibited. For further information about the works please have a look to the publication.
In the following slide you can see some of the visitors who participated in the different activities including the performance "Post Voice" by Maria Pä and Anna-Luise Oppelt. Thank you for coming along.
Exhibiting artist's biographies