We would like to invite you to the collective exhibition and final presentation of "Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives" in Berlin that will take place on the 12, 13th and 14th of December 2023.
This international project has taken place during this year with a number of collaborative art residencies, exhibitions and workshops in Ukraine, Poland, Germany and France. We are very pleased to share some of the artworks done by the remarkable and talented artists who took part in this process and keep the discussion with whom would like to join in the program activities. The collective exhibition contains some of the created artistic expressions but also documentation about the process and information about the artworks created and artists involved. OPEN PROGRAM, ALL WELCOME! 12th from 19.00 Vernissage 13th, 14th from 16.00 to 21.00 Opening hours 14th at 19.00 Closing event & performance Location of the event: Kunstleben Kreuzberg Gneisenaustraße 19, 10961 Berlin Also you can join a tour guide activities of the exhibition, options are the following: 13th Wednesday at 18:00 14th Thursday two options: 11:00 and 18:00 ****Tour guide is a small group activity, please register here: https://forms.gle/NkPsnrnw3v4dRAuU7
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"Post-vérité ? Faire face à la désinformation" Explorez les défis de l'ère post-vérité lors de cet atelier captivant. Plongez dans le monde en plein essor de la désinformation et des fake news, découvrez comment les processus artistiques collaboratifs peuvent ouvrir des espaces uniques de dialogue et de création. Rejoignez-nous pour deux heures d'échanges et de création, en utilisant des techniques expérimentales telles que le dessin et l'écriture collaboratifs. Activité gratuite pour adultes. Aucune compétence artistique préalable n'est nécessaire. Ouvert à tous. En collaboration avec la municipalité et l'hostel le Diablotin. We would like to kindly invite you to the final open event of the collaborative residency "Post-truth? Countering disinformation narratives" in Germany.
For 8 days, 8 selected German-based artists together with the curatorship of the artist Seila Fernandez Arconada, explored the challenges of the post-truth era by focusing on the growing problem of disinformation and fake news and how it could be countered through critical thinking, media literacy as well as artistic practices to challenge the surface of things and question the narratives we are told. Date: 27th of September Time: 18:00 Place: Dorfmitte 11, 17268 Gerswalde This event is part of a series of collaborative residencies in Ukraine, Germany, Poland and France. You can learn more about the project on the website: https://www.posttruthproject.net/ ………………………… Wir möchten Sie herzlich zur letzten offenen Veranstaltung der kollaborativen Residenz "Post-truth? Countering disinformation narratives" in Deutschland einladen. 8 Tage lang werden 8 ausgewählte, in Deutschland lebende KünstlerInnen zusammen mit der Kuratorin Seila Fernandez Arconada die Herausforderungen der post truth era, indem sie sich auf das wachsende Problem der Desinformation und Fake News konzentrierten und darauf, wie diesem durch kritisches Denken, Medienkompetenz und künstlerische Praktiken begegnet werden kann, um die Oberfläche der Dinge zu hinterfragen und die Erzählungen, die uns erzählt werden, in Frage zu stellen. Datum: 27. September Uhrzeit: 18:00 Ort: Dorfmitte 11, 17268 Gerswalde Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil einer Reihe von Gemeinschaftsresidenzen in der Ukraine, Deutschland, Polen und Frankreich. Mehr über das Projekt erfahren Sie auf der Website: https://www.posttruthproject.net/ OPEN CALL for German-based artists Are you interested in exploring the topic of Post Truth? Then you are more than welcome to apply to the Post Truth collaborative residency. This project has already taken place in Ukraine and Poland and now it is time for the German edition! When: 20 September - 28 September 2023 Where: Gerswalde, Germany ”Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives” is a transdisciplinary collaborative program aimed at addressing the issue of disinformation and fake news in the “post-truth era”. The process will be curated by Seila Fernandez Arconada (https://www.seilafernandezarconada.net/). Objectives
Participant’s profile: ⁃ Aged 18+ ⁃ with at least an intermediate level of English ⁃ currently living in Germany of any nationality ⁃ being present for the whole programme ⁃ being interested in the topic and committed to collaborating with other participants ⁃ being a practitioner in Arts connected to the topic (required) Finance: - Meals, logistics, and materials will be fully covered - Accommodation will be covered - A safe and inspiring space to learn and act together will be provided - Feel free to contact us: (logistics: [email protected] project activity: [email protected]). More information about the project can be found on www.posttruthproject.net Link for application form HERE: https://forms.gle/wYZtjiug4378r4Av8 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 29/08/2023 (midnight German time). All participants will be informed by email of the final decision. #posttruthproject #opencall #artresidency #opportunity #transdisciplinarycollaboration #artcollaboration #sociallyengagedart #art
Thanks to all who made it happening, in particular to the selected artists: Ilya Dudarau, Adrianna Gajdziszewska, Ewa Greszta, Volha Piatrushka, Zuzanna Śmigielska, Karolina Szwed and Diana Todorovska, for their motivation and their effort creating such inspiring and meaningful artistic projects in the limited time we had. Thanks also to Logos team, in special to Taisiia for her care to organising and contributing to make all happening as well as all helpers who supported us installing and deinstalling the exhibition including Yauhen, Pavel, Dima, Nadine, Milana and Ivan, thanks for the support in logistics. Thanks to Uliana for the delicate approach on representing this collective venture in photography. Special thanks to Liliana from the project space Patria, the kind people at Centrum Edukacji Regionalnej Kasztelanii Ostrowskiej and Liza from the Galeria u Jezuitów Centrum Integracji Kulturalnej. Photo by Uliana Glagoleva This collaborative hybrid program combined a transdisciplinary training approach to post truth together with a collaborative residency finalising in a presentation as collective exhibition in the Galeria u Jezuitów Centrum Integracji Kulturalnej. These images show some images of the process materialising the exhibition.
Time for the materialisation of ideas. Out of the creation of ideas collaboratively, the execution of processes became parallel processes between some people involved taking the lead on some projects, others just executed by all participant artists and other different collaborative methods.
From painting and sculpting to collective performance and social participatory investigation were the focus techniques of the group. This was the previous materialisation process before arriving to the exhibition space in Poznan where in a few days the work will be presented. More information about these processes will be shared in the publication of projects. The time for creating ideas to materialise collaboratively began, the following spaces of discussion and formulation of ideas were frames of developing responses to the topic post truth. What would make sense to communicate? What kind of ideas began to be alive during this process? What were points of confluence in the common interest? What are the available tools and techniques we can apply?
The third day of the collaborative residency the program shifted from mostly discussions towards hands on active engagement. The field trip to the museum Centrum Edukacji Regionalnej Kasztelanii Ostrowskiej was the trigger where participants had the experience to be guided throughout the museum but also the period of time when this territory began to be Poland as historical archives recorded. This museum contains not only some buildings with archeological finds and history but also an island in the middle of a lake. The water of this lake preserved all those objects that can tell this story today.
After the explanatory walk, participant artists had the space to intervene from the island. This invitation to generate ephemeral artistic gestures, connecting with post truth in connection to this context, was the first active attempt to create together. Collaborations arose from this space as artists had some ideas with the task on how to execute an artistic gesture in the public space which enabled them to interact, build and perform together on the island. More information about those works will be in the final publication of the project. |